Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Married, Successful, Childfree, and Happy

I knew early in life I did not want to be a young mother. I wanted to be educated and free to take risks in life and in my career. I spent most of my twenties doing just that; getting educated, gaining valuable work experience, and climbing the corporate ladder.

When I turned 30 I decided I had enough of the 50+ hour work weeks, weekend, and holdiday work and needed to slow down and get some balance into my life.

At 32 I am looking to embark on the next chapter of my life. One that will help me achieve balance, develop meaningful relationships, and discover the world through art, travel, and religion all with my wonderful husband.

I'm learning there is so much more to life than working and money.

I intend to enjoy life now and not when I'm too exhausted, old, and fragile to do so.

Here is an intersting article.


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